Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An Altruistic Christmas

Christmas was a hectic, gift buying frenzy. My mom told me and my sister that it was time to show our appreciation towards our family and buy gifts for each other. She gave us each $50 to purchase gifts for members of the family. At the time, it seemed like a difficult task considering my mom, dad, sister, aunt and uncle who where living with us. Then she let us loose in the mall. For mom, I found a few baubles at a kiosk she might like; rings, earrings, etc. For dad, I got him a jazz CD out of a music store because its the only music he actually listens to. For auntie, I bought a book on Rostafariansism, since she was determined to be one. For Uncle Ken, I got him some Sean John cologne to better his luck with women. The only base that I had not covered was my sister. I thought about what she kept saying to me in the car, "You know what? You know what Josh? Guess what I want Josh! I want a Barbie playhouse with a convertible car! I think it costs like $30!" Well, that's all that I needed to know. I went to the toy store inside the mall and saw the aisles crowded with frantic parents. I slipped by two parents fighting over a Spongebob doll to pick up the Barbie playhouse and the apparently Malibu Barbie convertible. I extenuated the length of the line; it was around the store. I waited for at least 45 minutes before getting to the counter and I realized that I had run out of money. I checked in my left pocket and pulled out the $40 of my allowance that I had been saving up for a month now to buy Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I spent the money on a Barbie play set. Sweet. I hid the gifts in the trunk from my sister and wrapped them up at home. On Christmas day, she opened my present to find exactly what she wanted. "Yay, just what I needed!" Out of a bag, my sister pulled out her wrapped present for me. I tore it open to find GTA: San Andreas! I couldn't believe it! How did she know? Anyway, as I started to sprint upstairs to my PS2, my sister asked me, "Will you play with me? You can be Ken!" In my mind I was cringing, but I played with Selena anyway. GTA just sat there calling my name while I drove the Malibu convertible to Barbie's house. It could wait while I was playing with my sister.

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